The 12th of September was gas safety week, did you miss it?
Almost 50% of landlords have been denied access by their tenants to carry our checks, revealed from a Landlord Action survey. With last week marking gas safety week, it is a good reminder for landlords to check the status of their properties.
Any landlord renting their properties with gas appliances have a legal requirement to have a gas safety inspection renewed each year by a registered engineer and provide the new certificate to the tenant.
Groups like Landlord Action are pushing for discretionary grounds for possession of unreasonably refusing landlords access for inspections.The founder of Landlord Action, Paul Shamplina says: “As the market evolves and the balance of power shifts towards the tenant…increasing complex legal challenges”.
Letting agents make this process a lot easier, with Peter Martin having automated notifications when gas certificates are running out and can organize property entry with the tenants as well as the gas inspection.
Written by Toby Dawson